Volunteer with A Step FWD


Love listening to and discovering new music? Want to show the world new music and artists from the UK? We are looking for music researchers and music reviewers to join our UK Christian Chart team! Whatever your genre of interest, come and take part in shaping the Christian and Gospel music scene from the UK to the world! Volunteer Today

Have an opinion? Willing to share it? We are looking for creative writers with a journalistic flair to conduct interviews and reviews or just communicate their opinions on current affairs, music, culture, and much more to the world. Up for the challenge? Volunteer Today

Own a camera? Looking to test out your eye for the perfect picture? Want to publish your work on our visually exciting Christian media website? Let us help you see it, snap it and share it in a fresh new way. Must be willing to travel to gigs and events in your local area & beyond if possible. Transportation may be reimbursed. Volunteer Today

We are looking for a graphics designer to help with web banners, flyers and various other creative graphics the astepfwd.com website and our business arm Paradox Media. Work will initially be voluntary, progressing to pay, based on skills and availability. Must be willing to work with a creative team in online collaborations. Volunteer Today

Ever put those communication and management skills to use? Leaders are born, or are they made? Are you a motivator? Do you inspire others to greatness? Are you organised, reliable and enterprising? Do you have a passion for people and for expanding God’s Kingdom? Do you understand the need for fellowship and teamwork? Then you could be exactly what we are looking for! Volunteer Today

Well, we all have gifts, some of us more than one. Whether your skills lean towards being involved in Events Planning & Management, Music & Artist Management, Website Management, Live Gigs or as Reporters, Videographers, Interviewers, Online Editors, Social Networkers, Musicians, Studio Technicians & Engineers, Pastors, Mentors, Counsellors, Youth Leaders, Worship Leaders, Techies, Geeks, Fashion Designers, Models, Dancers, Rappers, MCs, Sportsmen or Women, Healthy Lifestylers and erm…the list goes on… you get the idea.

Whatever your skill or ability (and believe us, He has blessed us all) it can be used to better yourself and help someone.

We are looking for creative, forward-thinking and progressive individuals to work with us and add their special touch, to what is already a very dynamic movement. All positions are initially voluntary.

Sign up or get in touch with us today || See the current team

Already decided? Feel free to fill in our VOLUNTEER FORM || EMAIL: info@astepfwd.com