Experience all 3 in successful Masterclass Series and learn from the best

As we approach the half way point of the year, it is often a moment that catalyses not only a look forward and an opportunity to dream and cast vision for the remaining months of the year, but to also reflect back on what has been so far. I don’t think anyone would disagree that 2021 has been eventful. All we have to do is see the news highlights from each week of the year so far to appreciate that! But it’s not simply eventful for all that is going on in the world and for all that we are seeing plastered across news outlets. God too has been at work. God too has been eventful.

And we here at aStepFWD deeply know that reality. We have seen God’s faithful hand steer us through 2021. We are so grateful and thankful for all that He has done. One of the areas we have seen His faithfulness has been in our Masterclass series that we launched way back in January, not long after a lot of the UK had been covered by snow (do you remember that!?). Many of you came and gathered with us online for our very first in the series, the Songwriting Masterclass. It was such a privilege to host an incredibly unique and rare invent, with many inspirational artists and worship leaders in one place sharing so passionately and vulnerably from their own experience. We could see God breathing all over the event, finding Him in fellowship, teaching, and encouragement.

Fast forward another month and we found ourselves towards the end of February. More snow, more eventful news stories, and in the face of all it all, God’s faithfulness continued to be amplified. Along came our second in the series, the Vocal Masterclass. This event brought together seasoned singers and vocal coaches for yet another unique and special day. Through their experience working with some of the greats in the world of theatre, television, music and cinema, we explored where our identity as singers, worshippers, budding artists etc., is found, firmly in God, and this was the foundational point on which the day pivoted. With it came sessions that beautifully blended theory and practical together, offering many a chance to not only warm up their vocal chords then and there but also learn some more handy tips and tricks about vocal health, strength and capabilities. Once again, it was so evident to see God’s fingerprints etched into the entire day. 

Before we knew it, spring was upon us! AStepFWD marked and celebrated our 7 year anniversary, remembering back upon all that we have seen God do over the years with incredible gratitude for the privilege of serving God and the UK Christian Gospel and Music scene for this long. All the while, planning was well under way for the third and final event in our 2021 Masterclass series, the Choir Masterclass!

The talented Choir Directors, that we had the incredible opportunity to host, heralded from not only across the UK, but Europe and USA too. As well as that, many of you came and joined us from across the world, tuning in from Europe and USA, as well as from Canada and South America too! But the day wasn’t about the countries represented, nor was it simply about the talent we had present (although that was a delightful perk), it was about celebrating what God was doing in and across the world through gospel music and the vehicle of choirs. We once again had a fantastic blend of learning and doing in this event, and through these sessions we were graced with beautiful and miraculous stories of God at work; His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. These stories included testimonies of healing and of restoration, and were full of moments where God’s glory and Kingdom broke out for all to receive. It wasn’t about God being reserved for an elite group or about Him being contained within the four walls of our buildings, it was about how His presence was and is deeply rooted and honoured in countless choirs across this nation, across our continent, and across the world, no matter where they are or where they gather. These stories gave testimony to how Choirs are a vehicle for God’s glory to be revealed and made known to the nations, and this truly was a phenomenal note upon which to end our Masterclass series 2021. Talk about eventful!

But, it doesn’t end there! You may be sat there having read this, wondering if there is any way to watch back these one-of-a-kind events. And the good news is, there is! We’ve gathered the recordings from each event in one place, and with a one-off donation to our Play It FWD campaign you get access to all of them! All you have to do is click HERE and follow the 3 easy and simple steps.

We fully believe that the story God began with each of these events didn’t stop when the zoom meeting came to an end. We believe that He will continue to go on using these to challenge, encourage and equip us all on our journeys as worshippers and singers in whatever contexts we find ourselves in.